Write me!
Send letters to:
Sister Ashton Ada Turek
Mexico Mexico City North Mission
Apartado postal #98
54740 Cuautitlan Izcalli
Estado de Mexico
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
I Love Mexico
Time is very short today.. we have been running around like crazy! It was good to talk to you on Christmas!! I loved it!! I love Mexico!! Next week look forward to a grand email! Life is good. I love you! Sorry this is very short. I talked in church yesterday.. it was an adventure. A lot of the members told me the spirit was really strong and I did a great job. My favorite member (this cute little grandma that has the cutest broken English) said That I am such a beautiful missionary and my spirit glows. I had to copy this from my pres. email because I told you on christmas about how we have wires. English: Do not go up on your rooftops for any reason. Too many have live electric cables that are not properly secured. Do not touch any wire or cable, even if it appears to be harmless. Always be careful and observant.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Each Day Gets Better
Each day gets a little better. Its still very hard, but I can do it. I have sure been humbled. My companion is great except she doesn't have patience with me and the language.. but other than that it's good. We haven't done language study once so I talked to her about it. I don't think she's very happy with me, but I have to learn this language somehow. I will be honest. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am far from home and anything and everything that's familiar. My companion is great and I love her! but she has no patience with me and the language.
The members here adore me. It's weird. I know it's because I'm American and they've never seen a sister here serving from America, but I find it weird. I'm not used to the whole greet you with a kiss thing.
We got hot water on Friday!! Yay!!! I will never take my hot water for granted again.The water works in the shower. It was just cold. So we would use this heating tool to heat a bucket of water.
Hermana Barraza is from Veracruz. Her family is all members, but not her extended family.
The church is weird. The floor is all tile and no pews, just chairs. They just call you up to talk too. Our area is huge, but our ward isn't.
We are all alone here. The next closest missionaries are Elder Calle and Elder Caro in Progreso. They are from Peru and Chile. I'm the lone American. We had a mission Christmas party on Friday and I got to see Hermana Slaughter. So that was good. We are both feeling the same way. My Spanish still sucks but Its getting better.
Oh do I have a story for you! So I clearly stand out here.. Like I said, I get honked at, starred at, cat called at.. but I have quite the story from Wednesday. So we live right by the Farmacia, and the man who works there speaks English. He lived in Cali but got deported. He told me like everything about his life. Anyways, my comp was looking at eye drops and he was talking to me and he said: I like you hair, it's really pretty, your eyes are gorgeous, your lips are cute, you are beautiful. So I said oh thanks. Then he said you're really hot.. and I laughed right at loud and told him that I was a missionary so he can't talk this way to me.. long story short he asked where I lived because he wants me and he wants to show me off to his family and friends. We now have to take the back way home which is a dark alley. Not fun. I hate standing out!!
. On Thursday we ate at a members house and she gave us strawberries and lettuce. I totally knew I was going to get sick from it because she didn't clean it and sure enough. I spent Thursday night and Friday morning throwing up everywhere. It was not fun.
This week we have 12 new investigators!! 8 have baptismal dates!! Only three made it to church yesterday though.. Sabino, Raul, and Erik. They're going to be baptized on Jan. 25. His wife left him a while ago and he is an amazing man. We also got our first rejection. It made me really sad. I have come to love and care about our investigators and when they decide they don't want this anymore its hard. You know it will change their life and bring so much happiness.
I've lost a lot of weight (ha-ha). If you want a good weight loss program, come to Mexico. I'm not a big fan of the food here. We had pig skin tacos and it was gross. I had my first Mexican Ice cream on Saturday. I liked it a lot!! (ha-ha).
Things are still really hard here, but every day things get a little easier. I love you! Until Next week.
Hermana Turek
Monday, December 16, 2013
So I'm Here
So.. I'm here. I don't really know how to feel about it. It is very different from Utah and I'm very homesick. There is a huge language barrier and the food makes me feel blah, We also don't have hot water, but my companion has this weird thing that uses electricity to heat the water so we shower with a bucket. Just don't touch the water while its heating. I learned that the hard way haha.
The people make such a fuss about me here and I don't exactly know why.. but this cute little abuela (grandma) in her very broken English told me that I was very, very special to her. I get honked at and stared at all of the time. It's annoying. I'm in an area called Atitalquia. We are the first Sisters to serve here ever. So the President has a lot of faith in us. We have four new investigators and visit inactives a lot. Today, we hiked this huge mountain!
Also, our house is sketchy haha. There is a bunch of wires right outside our door. And, the toilet and shower are all together. Mexico is very different than I expected. I realized something really, really cool the other day. The reason I had problems with my white count is because if I wouldn't have had that week delay, I wouldn't be here!! My mission opened up to American sister on July 1, and my call was assigned on July 5th. Pretty cool.
I am also very sunburned! President Call says to tell Tyler hello.
I will be sending photos here in a min.
I love you all and miss you much!
Ps I dont know how to work this keyboard.
Monday, December 2, 2013
week 6.. goodbye MTC, Hello MEXICO!
Last email from the MTC!! Man, time has sure flown by! I got my travel plans on Wednesday. I leave for the airport at 2:30 in the morn. My flight doesn't leave until 6:15 though. I'm flying with American Airlines on flight 304 into Dallas/ Fort Worth Texas. From Texas I fly into Mexico City on flight 393. So you can track me Dad. To answer some of the questions you've sent me, no, no one helps us get to the right place at the airport. They stick us on a bus then drop us at the curb. The Elders take VERY good care of us Sisters though, so don't worry.
My Thanksgiving was SO good and busy! You prolly already saw on the news but we filled 350,208 bags of soup for kids who are hungry in Utah. We also listened to Elder Russell M. Nelson. He and his wife did a really good job. I LOVED Ephraim's Rescue. I cried the whole entire time. I also cried when Lyssa got engaged. I wish I could be there, but I know this is where I'm supposed to be. It still doesn't make it any easier.
I'm sending home quite a few packages because the over weight fee is $330. I'm still at 60 pounds in my big suit case so I'm kinda at a loss of what to do.
Dad my favorite scripture right now is Luke 1:37. My favorite thing to teach is The restoration of the gospel of jesus church through joseph smith. It's so powerful. As far as my baptismal dialog.. Seguria el ejemplo de Jesucristo al ser bautizado por alguien que posea la autoridad del sacerdocio de Dios: El (enter date here) tendemos un servicio bautismal se preparara para ser bautizado ese die? :) That's the baptismal invitation in Spanish.
Mom, Hermana Slaughter is like my best friend. We are in the same district and are both going to Mexico City North. She's from Orlando, Florida. :)
This week has been pretty busy. I love you all bunches! The next email you get will prolly be from Mexico. So long America! -Hermana Turek
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
It's Almost Been A Month ..... What?
Hola familia!
How was your week? Sorry that I haven't got any letters out to anyone. There's not a whole lot of time. So Vegas was an adventure! I officially have my visa! Which actually looks pretty cool! :) There was one companionship of sisters then one trio of Elders then me and one other Elder and we were put as "travel companions" so I was well taken care of. We were on the VERY last seat on the plane on the way there. It was fun. :) So many people at the airport made comments to us like "Welcome home!"and "your mothers love you!" It was pretty funny. On the way home we flew stand by which was kinda weird. We weren't sure that we were all going to get a seat. But me and my "travel companion" Elder Woodfield got super nice seats. :) On The way there he asked me why I came on a mission "because I'm a sister" so I told him the whole story and he was like "Wow! You're such an inspiration. There is defiantly a reason why you're here." So that was kinda cool to hear coming from this super spiritual elder. We talked a little more and we found out that we're actually going to the same mission on the same day! I'm quite excited! I can't believe that in two weeks today I will be in Mexico! It has flown by! I have loved every minute here!
On Thursday I was in the cafeteria and I heard "Hermana Turek!" so I turned around and it was Elder Gunderson! I'm so excited to have a friend from home here! We talked for a while and I found out that we're actually in the same zone!! Crazy! We took a pic together so you'll have to share it with his family.
This week has been an emotionally draining week, but it's been such a great week. and I've learned and gown SO much. It's so hard to be here and not compare yourself to everyone else. In Ether 12:27 it talks about how the closer you get to God, the more of your weaknesses he's going to make known unto you. I think that's what's happening. But I know through him that ALL things are possible. I'm so thankful that I'm here. I learn and grow so much everyday. I just can't even imagine my life had I not come.
Something kinda cool happened on Friday. My comp. was just bawling during class so I was like "Hey do you want to talk?" and she shook her head yes so we went outside and she just went off on how she's not a good enough missionary. So I told her about what I had learned this week and how I knew how she felt and she was like "but you're so good at this. You know the gospel. You're perfect." I almost laughed right out loud when she said that so I told her how I'm far from perfect and how I'm learning to teach here just like she is and how half of the time I have no idea what I'm even saying in Spanish. She was like "really?" and i was like "yeah, honestly." and she just grabbed me and hugged me. We've been good ever since.
I got your package on Friday night!! Thanks for sending it!! And for the Christmas stuff. (There actually hanging lights here right now!) My comp. cried when I gave her the candy cane and said "thank you so much! You're parents are so sweet!" So thank you!
I have a lot to tell you about some of the deep things I've learned/ received through revelation. But I'll save it for the letter I'm writing on Thanksgiving. I will tell you this though. So It's been promised to missionaries that they receive help from both sides of the veil. I know that Grandpa Johnson is with me and helping me. It's just neat to think about.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great day! Eat a plate for me. I sent a card home. Hopefully you get it in time. On Thanksgiving a general authority is coming to speak then we are doing service then watching Ephriam's Rescue!! I'm so thankful to be out here serving in such a great time in history. I don't think I've ever been this happy. This is the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Count your blessings this week.. well always.. but especially this week. I have another Mormon Message for you! Watch "Men's hearts shall fail them." I think this is my favorite Mormon Message right now. I love you all!
Until next week- Hermana Turek
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Early P-Day
Hello! Today is my Pday.. well sort of.. I am flying to the consulate in Vegas on Monday.. by myself.. to get my visa!! So I'm emailing today. I have to be up by 4:30.. meh. My flight is on Delta and it leaves at like 8:41. So you can track me if you want. :) I'm working on writing everyone back. It's been a crazy busy week. Thanks for the package. It made my day, and I became the favorite in my district. :) It's been a better week. Uncle Rick sent me a Dear Elder, and it put a lot of things into perspective for me. I feel like I have so much to tell you about, but I can never remember anything. My companion is still late and annoying. But I'm trying to love her. I'm learning lots of patience. Oh, L. Tom Perry came and spoke to us! I am in the MTC choir and it was broadcast to all the other MTC's so if you can somehow find it you can see me singing. :) Spanish is SO hard. And some days I don't think that I will ever master it. However, I know that the gift of tongues is real and that with God's help, I can do this. I really wish I would have listened to you and studied a little more before I came. It rained all day yesterday and has snowed all day today. It's kinda miserable. haha. I really love it here though. I only get closer to the Savior when times are hard. I have a lot of things to share with you, but I'll send them in the letter I'm working on writing. How are things at home? L. Tom Perry talked about the typhoon. The Lord certainly protects his missionaries. Thanks for all the emails and Dear Elders. Please thank Rick, Misti, and Grandma and Grandpa Turek. I feel all the love and prayers. Mom, can you please send me Grandma Johnson's address again and Aunt Marilynn's? Did you get my package? I love you all so much. You will be getting a LONG hand written letter soon. Until next time-
Hermana Turek
P.S. Go out and serve someone.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Come What May And Love It
Hola family! How are you? We did sealings in the temple today. It was neat. Not a whole lot has changed this week. Same schedule. Same everything. Brother and Sister Zwick (he's in the 70) talked to us last Sunday. He gave a really good talk on missionary safety and obedience. "Obedience brings blessings, exact obedience brings miracles." L. Tom Perry is coming tomorrow!! and I will have a good seat because I joined the MTC choir. :) Too bad there's no big broadcasts are coming up. haha. All the girls in my district get a dear elder everyday. I wouldn't mind that you know. :) (HINT HINT) So in other words.. Dear elder me por favor! Aunt Cheryl came and spoke yesterday. Too bad I'm on West campus so I didn't get to talk to her. She gave a really good talk though. There's now 720 sisters here at the MTC out of 1400 missionaries. We're raising the bar! Oh, when you get a minute go to lds.org and watch "missionary song medley" from the work of salvation broadcast. I LOVE it! There's actually a focus on sisters in it! Which is different from when I was in primary and it was all Elder based. Spanish is getting hard... and I thought conjugations were hard! They are easy compared to what we are doing now. Time flies by here. It's weird to think that I've been here for almost two weeks now. I got the package! and the hymn book! Thank you! My freezing arms also thank you. :) I sent a package home today, so watch for it. Mom, the nylons were perfect! If you could please send a few more that would be great! and maybe a few mint oreos? :) Well I'm out of time.. stupid timer! But I love you and I'm doing good. Even on the hard days. "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyways." Until next week.
-Hermana Turek

Saturday, November 9, 2013
It's finally P-day
It's finally P-day and I'm alive!Hola mi familia!!! It's finally Pday!!!! Como esta? Thanks for the letters and package!! They made my day! I got them all on November 1st. haha. I absolutely LOVE it here!! It's such hard work and I go home exhausted every night, but I love it! The spirit is amazing here! Miy companera is Harmana Stephen. She's from San Fran. I sent a letter home on Thursday telling you a little about the MTC and all that was going on but I don't know if you got it yet. I'm actually on the new West campus which was those new apartments we saw. It's so nice! We are the first all hermana district in the history of el MTC. It's pretty neat. We have zero elders in our district. I know I was told to use good spacing and not to use Spanish but it's so hard when you only have a limited time on the computer. Can I just say that el don de lenguas is so real? (the gift of tongues) It's so amazing how much Spanish I'm already speaking and it's hard to do English and Spanish when Spanish words keep popping into your head in place of the English word. So if you notice random spanish here and there, that's why. My English is going bye-bye. We do LOTS of language study and programs daily. We are in a classroom from 8-12:45 then we have lunch. Then we are back from 1:30-5:50then we have dinner. Then 6:30-9:30. So lots of studying haha. On the first day we went straight to class when we got there (which was hard after being dropped at a curb!) Then we taught investigators that night. We taught our first investigator, Mariela, all in Spanish as companions on Friday night. On Saturday we taught her again. This time I just opened my mouth and I have no idea what I was saying, but it seemed to make sense because she was responding and I could understand it! I'm pretty sure it was the spirit! Keep sending me dearelders!! Those work out better and I also LOVE them because I get a hard copy. Oh, please post it on my FB too so my friends can write me. I'm also fluent in my prayers in Spanish too and I am pretty good at my testimony. What are people saying on FB? Tell me all the comments please!! Oh, I'm losing weight so my garments don't stay up so.. I don't know what to do.. Can you please send me: The hymn piano book, a winter coat (it's snowing here and it's not helping my cold), some nylons (the ones I have aren't tall enough. I'm sending a package home soon), and some bandaids? I have lots of blisters. I'll end with my testimony in Spanish. :)Yo se que Jesucristo es el radenter y yo se que dios es nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial y yo se que el evangelio de Cristo es verdader y yo se que las familias son eternas. En el nombre de Jesucristo, amen. Until next week. I love you! -Hermana Turek
First week " It's finally P- day"
It's finally P-day and I'm alive!Hola mi familia!!! It's finally Pday!!!! Como esta? Thanks for the letters and package!! They made my day! I got them all on November 1st. haha. I absolutely LOVE it here!! It's such hard work and I go home exhausted every night, but I love it! The spirit is amazing here! My companera is Harmana Stephen. She's from San Fran.
I sent a letter home on Thursday telling you a little about the MTC and all that was going on but I don't know if you got it yet. I'm actually on the new West campus which was those new apartments we saw. It's so nice! We are the first all hermana district in the history of el MTC. It's pretty neat. We have zero elders in our district. I know I was told to use good spacing and not to use Spanish but it's so hard when you only have a limited time on the computer. Can I just say that el don de lenguas is so real? (the gift of tongues) It's so amazing how much Spanish I'm already speaking and it's hard to do English and Spanish when Spanish words keep popping into your head in place of the English word. So if you notice random spanish here and there, that's why. My English is going bye-bye. We do LOTS of language study and programs daily. We are in a classroom from 8-12:45 then we have lunch. Then we are back from 1:30-5:50then we have dinner. Then 6:30-9:30. So lots of studying haha. On the first day we went straight to class when we got there (which was hard after being dropped at a curb!) Then we taught investigators that night. We taught our first investigator, Mariela, all in Spanish as companions on Friday night. On Saturday we taught her again. This time I just opened my mouth and I have no idea what I was saying, but it seemed to make sense because she was responding and I could understand it! I'm pretty sure it was the spirit!
Keep sending me dearelders!! Those work out better and I also LOVE them because I get a hard copy. Oh, please post it on my FB too so my friends can write me. I'm also fluent in my prayers in Spanish too and I am pretty good at my testimony. What are people saying on FB? Tell me all the comments please!! Oh, I'm losing weight so my garments don't stay up so.. I don't know what to do.. Can you please send me: The hymn piano book, a winter coat (it's snowing here and it's not helping my cold), some nylons (the ones I have aren't tall enough. I'm sending a package home soon), and some bandaids? I have lots of blisters. I'll end with my testimony in Spanish. :)Yo se que Jesucristo es el radenter y yo se que dios es nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial y yo se que el evangelio de Cristo es verdader y yo se que las familias son eternas. En el nombre de Jesucristo, amen. Until next week. I love you! -Hermana Turek
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